Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Preschool: Welcome Week

Can you believe we've already completed two weeks of school? This week, the Preschool classroom continued with their Welcome Week Unit.

After reading Audrey Penn's "The Kissing Hand," the Preschoolers dipped their hands in paint and created their own kissing hands! Complete with a heart in the middle and an accompanying poem! 

The Preschoolers also made sure to do their math... They practiced number recognition!

Science is also important! The Preschoolers tested a number of objects in the water table to see of they'd sink or float!

The Preschoolers did a painting project based on the story "It Looks Like Spilt Milk," by Charles G. Shaw. Ms. Marceline dropped white paint onto a blue piece of construction paper, and after folding the paper in half and opening it... Our Preschoolers described what they saw!

Next week, the Preschoolers will begin a unit on Rosh Hashanah!

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