Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Preschool: Sukkot

The Preschoolers are learning about Sukkot!

Literature about Sukkot available to the Preschoolers in the classroom.

The Preschoolers are learning five new vocabulary words: Sukkot, Sukkah, Lulav, Etrog and Pomegranate!

The Preschoolers created Sukkahs using colored popsicle sticks and colorful construction paper fruits!

The Preschoolers used colorful construction paper, glue and paint to create fruits, which they will use to decorate their classroom sukkah!

The Preschoolers painted lulav and etrog!

The Preschoolers build a sukkah in their classroom... And decorated it with the colorful fruits they painted!

The Preschoolers used watercolors to create cards for Sukkot!

Older Toddlers: Sukkot

The Older Toddlers are learning about Sukkot!

Literature about Sukkot and shofars available to the Older Toddlers in the classroom.

They used precut white construction paper, green paint and paint brushes to create lulav and etrog!

Colorful fruits the Older Toddlers created for their sukkahs!

The Older Toddlers built a sukkah for their classroom... Then enjoyed Circle Time in their sukkah!

The Older Toddlers spotted a sukkah on their Neighborhood Walk!

The Older Toddlers used paint and sponge brushes to create cards for Sukkot!